Gone, but Not Forgotten

The following classmate is Gone, but not Forgotten. What follows on this page is information received when notified of the death.

(from AOG website Jan 29, 2021)

A funeral service will be held on 31Jan 2021 at 1300 hours CST at the Temple Beth-El in San Antonio, TX. The service will be live-streamed at Temple Beth El San Antonio. His obituary may be found at www.porterloring.com His family has suggested that memorial donations be made in lieu of flowers to Musical Education Programs at Trinity University. Checks made payable to Trinity University may be sent to Trinity University Advancement; One Trinity Place #49; San Antonio, TX 78212; (888) 883-6667. Please be sure to include a note directing where you wish your donation to go. Donations may also be made online at www.trinity.edu/give-trinity.