1963 Heritage Display - Turning Ceremony
Academy Classes hold major reunions every five years
The reunions renew bonds forged over a lifetime, classmates and spouses
1963 honors classmates who have passed since our last gathering at a Memorial Service in the Chapel
A final by name roll call is conducted with a response 'Absent Sir' echoing from the rear choir loft by a current cadet from our departed classmate's old cadet squadron
The cups of the deceased are turned and then the toast to 'our departed brethren'
There are no dry eyes.
1963 conducts annual 'mini' reunions and, as a part of our time together, uses the Heritage Display site in Arnold Hall to take note of those who passed over the last year. A 'practice turning of the cups' takes place with opportunity for reminiscences by those present. More toasts, but the official turning awaits the 5 year reunion.
The video clip that follows (from the
50th reunion) provides an
abbreviated look at our ceremony.
(Touch the white button to view video)